Friday, July 15, 2016

Time and Space in Oneness? C’mon! Never can it be!

Indeed! How can it be, when It is an Infinite Continuum, Eternal? One we are all, being part of One Infinite Source, each a component unique. In spiritual terms, souls we are, and in energy terms, we are unique energy vibrations, materialized…and there are many more ways of expressing and explaining… Yet, matters, the experience, its truth independent of “what and how it should be,” as, it cannot be “norm-alized,” experiences, each, unique of each, transcending all “norms.” Matters, the acceptance of the Truth, Resonance of Oneness…those sublime moments of epiphany, feeling connected with all, feeling one’s own Self…and at the same time, experiencing a “sense of expansion,” melding with the interacting entities, any and all,  being one with Nature as an element of its. In such a state, one thus feels oneself to be in “one’s element,” too, being one’s Elemental Self. Sought are not proofs, embraced are synchronicities as manifestations of one’s Oneness with The Source and thus of one’s Oneness with all, random occurrences none, providence, each, requiring no evidence.

It is such a connection felt with dear friend, Grace Nonni (thanks to Facebook for serving as the medium), that brings to this outpouring, brings it to being, as she urges to share her sharing, two posts. I was shying away from the same, and had requested her to share them in a format, which, felt, would help to convey the message with further clarity, with the continuity that it would present. Thanks to her and it is an ode to our connection felt, each outpouring, an ode to The Divine, the very Abode from Which all pours out, all, Its Grace!. The cherished and revered synchronicities, by both, acknowledged, led I am to this presentation…on “soul connections,” initiated by Grace’s sharing on “twin flames” (soul twins), followed by her explanation on the “types” of soul connections. Connections, harmonious and disharmonious—in terms of energy, resonant and dissonant—all, are towards forwarding the purpose of being…Self-realization.

And then, following our discussion, query extended to her, as she forwards the answers, the same she shares as the following post (these are the two posts, which, had requested her to collate and share, and she urged to share, reiterating, “sharing is caring,” which, indeed it is).

In addition, Grace forwards (as part of the answers): “With a Twin Flame which is the most rare of them as it is an inner balance of the masculine aspect and the feminine aspect which manifests your very exact frequency vibration in another body if they are incarnated in your lifetime and if not in the ethereal. Its purpose is mission work for humanity and the Universe.”

Before delving into them, acknowledged is Dr Brian Weiss, for blessing (beginning with his relay, Many Lives, Many Masters) with the awareness of soul’s path (and acknowledged are all involved who led to him, all, “expressions” of Oneness). Yes, of course, dear Neale Donald Walsch Sir, as always, is acknowledged, and in this context, for leading, for the first time, to the term “soul twins,” via his Conversations with God series. And as that was perfectly timed, so are Grace Nonni’s presentations, as It is Grace in flow, all the way. Neale Sir’s presentation led to a further search on the same, and to this link: Many other links Google gladly and solicitously furnishes, yet, as the content in this link also conveys that the experience, ultimate, is ultimately of one’s own, the saga entirely experiential, so is being seconded, and no second link is being extended!

Our experiences vary…but invariant is the Truth of Resonance, of Oneness. Unmistakable is the dissolution of space and time, as is Oneness experienced. Indeed, it is beautiful to experience the collapse of space and time, as Grace acknowledges, “so beautiful to connect in this way over distance, its a total collapse of space and time,” experiencing Self as unbound by space and time. It is beautiful to experience the total collapse of space and time, there being no lapse, at any moment, in our connectivity—with whole of life, all boundaries non-existent, that between animate and inanimate too—as eternally connected we are...bound in Oneness, unbound by and in Oneness!

On the aspect of “twin flames,” she notes that yes, they are also called “soul twins,” called also “divine complements,” noting also, “all is One.” Indeed…each and all is complimentary, all, One, yet each, resonance unique, in experience as well as function! Each is complimentary, a natural accompaniment, to complement, even if one doesn’t compliment the other, when unaware. Thus says, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

We are Love, The Divine’s Love in flow and form…in flow and form to realize Our Oneness with It… Love is The Essence of the human in being, for realization of Which, it is in being! Our experiences are unique to our being, we, the unique vibe and hue of Love, each connected to all, as we are united in God, united by God, healed, fulfilled, liberated by our dissolution in The Ocean of Infinite Love that It Is, each, furthering the progress of all, the process, as individual as collective it is. Soul, twins or mates, each is entwined with The Mate Ultimate—in Eternal Union with The Eternal—as It expresses constantly through Its Communion, as Love: “Time and space in Oneness? Oh, c’mon! Never can it be!”

July 14, 2016

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